The BC Community Climate Funding Guide has officially been live for two years!
Our analytics show that in the last 12 months our website has been visited almost 10,300 times, an increase of almost 50% over the same period last year, by 6,500 unique people from all over B.C. and even some places in Alberta and Washington State.
According to our data, most people end up on our Funding page and then travel on to our Funding Finder Tool. We’re pleased to see that we succeeded in providing a clear route to this important tool. This means we’re connecting people with the knowledge necessary to secure funding for their communities.
In the last year we created six tutorial videos to further support users in their search for funding. The videos help explain the features of the Funding Guide site and how to use the tools to find the most relevant funding.
We are always looking for opportunities to connect with communities to promote the Funding Guide and answer questions. In March 2023 we presented an overview of the Funding Guide and how to search for funding at the Indigenous Climate Resilience Forum. In the last year we also created promotional materials and distributed them at local government engagement sessions, Fall 2022 CleanBC Indigenous engagement, and more events.
Our goal is to provide a clear, one-stop resource with climate funding opportunities for Indigenous communities and local governments . This site was built with you in mind, and we’re committed to continuing to make improvements that help users and support B.C.’s effort to enhance the accessibility of CleanBC and other climate-related programs.
Over the last year we collaborated with a graduate student from the University of Victoria to conduct a program evaluation and identify areas where we can improve the funding guide. We are working hard to implement the recommendations we received.
If you would like to provide feedback on how we can improve the BC Community Climate Funding Guide and better serve your community, please contact us.
Thank you!