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Pacific Salmon Commission Southern Fund

Program Category: Climate Adaptation, Climate Mitigation, Environment
Program Sub-Category: Food Security, Environmental Stewardship, Monitoring, Innovation
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Status: Closed


Pacific Salmon Commission

Deadline Details

Open for funding annually with an intake deadline in late summer. The most recent intake closed on August 20, 2024. The next intake date is to be determined.

Funder Organization Type

  • Other

Regional Limitations

This is a regional program and only supports communities in its service area.

The PSC’s Southern Fund was established in 1999 under the 1985 Pacific Salmon Treaty. The main purpose of the fund is to support three kinds of activities that support salmon stocks and their habitat:

  1. Development of improved information for resource management, including better stock assessment, data acquisition, and improved scientific understanding of limiting factors affecting salmon production in the freshwater and marine environments;
  2. Rehabilitation and restoration of marine and freshwater habitat, and improvement of habitat to enhance productivity and protection of Pacific Salmon; and
  3. Enhancement of wild stock production through low technology techniques rather than through large facilities with high operating costs.

Additionally, the Southern Fund Committee (SFC) supports projects which are consistent with the Strategic Goals and Objectives of the Southern Fund as identified in the Southern Boundary Restoration and Enhancement Fund Strategic Plan. Each year, the SFC also identifies specific priorities for that year's funding cycle and encourages applications which are responsive to those priorities. The SFC typically issues a Call for Proposals in May for projects beginning the following year. 

Eligible Community

Private (businesses / for-profit), non-governmental organizations / non-profit, educational institutions, Indigenous groups, and all levels of government can apply.

Required Community Contribution

No community contribution required

Funding Stacking Restrictions


Stacking is not required, however the Southern Fund Committee encourages collaboration and partnerships.

Professional Input Required


Specific Eligibility Requirements

The geographic area for the Southern Fund includes southern British Columbia. Southern British Columbia in this context means the geographic area covered by those watersheds flowing into the Pacific Ocean south of Cape Caution, including the entire Fraser River watershed and the Columbia River watershed.

Other Eligible Applicants

Indigenous Economic Agencies
Indigenous-owned Businesses
Businesses / For-profit
Indigenous Organizations
Non-governmental Organizations / Not-for-Profits
Economic Development Agencies
Academic Institutions

Type of Funding

  • Grant

Range of Funding Available per Project

  • Under $100 000
  • From $100 000 to $1 000 000

Description of Funding

The amount available annually for all projects is based on the performance of the endowment fund. Typically, between $2-$6M is available annually, with between 35-55 projects funded each year. There is no minimum or maximum funding amount, however, the highest grant amount has been approximately $400,000. Since inception, the average amount awarded per project has been approximately $77,000. Annual submissions are required for each year the project is active, and you do need to indicate on your application if you anticipate the project being a multi-year project and funding request.

Percentage of Project Funded


Eligible Costs

Operational and Maintenance Costs
Capital Costs
Community Engagement
Equipment/Material Purchase
Project Management
Staff Costs
Administration Fees
Research and Development

Ineligible Costs

Any costs incurred prior to signing a funding agreement
Building Purchase Costs

Reporting Requirements

Final report only

Expected Timeframe for Funding Decision

6 months

The funding cycle is a two-step process with initial concepts due in late summer (August or September). Successful concepts are invited to submit a detailed project proposal, which are typically due 4-6 weeks after the invitation (usually late November or early December). Funding decisions are made in late February.