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B.C. Active Transportation Network Planning Grant - Local Government

Program Category: Climate Adaptation, Sustainable Transportation, Built Environment, Climate Mitigation, Environment, Community Infrastructure
Program Sub-Category: Asset Management, Mapping, Environmental Stewardship, Active Transportation, Economic Development, Monitoring, Innovation
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Status: Closed


BC Ministry of Transportation and Transit

Deadline Details

The 2024/25 BC Active Transportation Infrastructure Grants Program intake for local governments closed on October 31, 2024.

Funder Organization Type

  • BC Provincial Government

British Columbia’s Active Transportation Network Planning (ATNP) Grants are available for local governments (including municipalities, regional districts, and Islands Trust) with a population under 25,000. An ATNP establishes a long-term vision for active transportation, with the aim of increasing the percentage of residents using human-powered transportation year-round.


Local governments working in partnership with an Indigenous community may apply at any time. 

Eligible Community

Eligible Local Governments may apply if their community has a population under 25,000, and their community Active Transportation Network Plan is over 5 years old or non-existent.

Required Community Contribution

Community contribution required (please see program website)

The province covers 50% of eligible costs up to $50,000, less third-party funding. Applicant is expected to cover any remaining costs. 

Funding Stacking Restrictions


The Province’s share is calculated after any third-party contributions (provincial, federal, and private funds) have been subtracted from the total eligible costs of the project. If third-party funding is available, it may be applied to the project outside the provincial cost-share portion. The Federal Gas Tax - Community Works Fund is not a third-party contribution because it is considered as the local government’s general revenue. The Community Works Fund can be counted as the applicants share toward the total project costs.

Application Limit per Community


Professional Input Required


Type of Funding

  • Grant

Range of Funding Available per Project

  • Under $100 000

Description of Funding

The province cost-shares to a maximum of 50%, or $50,000 whichever is less.

Percentage of Project Funded


50% or $50,000, whatever is less.

Eligible Costs

Community Engagement
Project Management
Research and Development

Eligible costs for ATNPs typically include but are not limited to:

  • Consultant fees (including travel costs, engineer assessments, etc.)•    Printing costs•    Community engagement and consultation costs•    Design for first-priority infrastructure project 

For more details, see Section 2.0 of B.C. Active Transportation Network Planning Grants 2024/25 Program Guidelines.

Ineligible Costs

Any costs incurred prior to signing a funding agreement
Building Purchase Costs
Land Acquisition

Project administration over 15% of total project costs.

Reporting Requirements

Progress reports and final reports

Expected Timeframe for Funding Decision

4 months

Approximately 4 months after intake closes

See the list of all projects (including both infrastructure and network planning grants) from 2004 to 2023 at the link below.