UBCM Asset Management Planning New!
Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM)
Deadline Details
Applications are currently being accepted for this funding program.
Intake deadline: May 23, 2025 (funding permitting).
Funder Organization Type
- BC Local Government and Associations
The intent of the Asset Management Planning program is to assist local governments in delivering sustainable services by extending and deepening asset management practices within their organizations, recognizing their size, complexity, current status, and individual needs.
Activities Eligible for Funding:
Organizational/corporate capacity assessments
Risk assessments
Initial inventory, condition, and replacement cost assessments
Development of an Asset Management Policy
Development of an Asset Management Plan
Development of an Asset Management Plan component
i.e. Condition Assessment Framework or Level of Service Framework
Development of an Asset Management Strategy
Development of a Long-Term Financial Plan
Providing Asset Management Training/Education
Outcome reporting
Performance measurement
The following resources are recommended to assist local governments advance asset management within their organizations. These will help guide communities through the stages of ongoing asset management practice: assessment, planning, and implementation.
Asset Management for Sustainable Service Delivery: A BC Framework, 2019
The Asset Management BC website hosts several ‘Primer’ documents, including on climate change and integrating natural assets, as well as links to resources on policies, templates, and industry case studies, to assist with asset management best practices.
Eligible Community
- All local governments (municipalities, regional districts, and the Islands Trust) in BC are eligible to apply.
Required Community Contribution
Community contribution required (please see program website)
Cash contribution from local government;
In-kind contribution from local government;
Community Works Fund;
Strategic Priorities Fund;
Third-party contribution; and/or
Other grant funding.
Specific Eligibility Requirements
To qualify for funding, proposed activities must assist local governments in delivering sustainable services by extending and deepening asset management practices within their organizations. See the Applicant Guide for more information.
In addition, to qualify for funding, projects must be:
A new or a subsequent phase of a project (retroactive funding is not available); and
Capable of completion by the applicant within one year of the date of grant approval.
As part of both the development of the application package and the delivery of the approved project, local governments are encouraged to proactively engage with local First Nations and Indigenous organizations, such as Friendship Centres and Métis Chartered Communities. Engagement by local governments both locally and regionally can help build relationships with First Nations, benefit both communities, and enhance reconciliation. See the Applicant Guide for more information.
Type of Funding
- Grant
Range of Funding Available per Project
- Under $100 000
Description of Funding
The 2025 Asset Management Planning program can provide up to 50% of total project costs to the grant maximum ($25,000). The remainder (50%) is required to be funded through community contributions.
Percentage of Project Funded
50%Eligible Costs
Community Engagement
Project Management
Staff Costs
Administration Fees
Awareness and Education
Research and Development
The following expenditures are also eligible provided they relate directly to the eligible activities identified in the Applicant Guide:
Incremental applicant staff and administration costs (e.g., creating a new position or adding new responsibilities to an existing position). Eligible expenses include wages/salary, mandatory employment related costs as required by federal or provincial law, and other employment related costs as required by the approved applicant.
Consultant/contractor costs. Please note: if you intend to hire a qualified professional to support proposed activities, professional consultant rates will only be considered for activities that represent respective professions. For other activities (e.g. planning events) consultant rates are expected to be commensurate with the type of activity being undertaken; and
Presentation to Council or Board.
Public information costs (e.g., workshops, printed materials) that align with the intent of the funding stream and provide benefit to the community at large.
Ineligible Costs
Building Purchase CostsLand Acquisition
Any activity that is not outlined in the Eligible Project Activities or Additional Eligible Costs and Activities section of the Applicant Guide is not eligible for grant funding. This includes:
Development or update of feasibility studies;
Routine or ongoing operating costs or activities (e.g., heating, cooling, and lighting; security; software licenses or service subscriptions; or membership fees).
Routine or ongoing planning costs or planning activities (e.g. updating initial inventory, condition,and/or replacement cost assessments);
Major capital improvements to existing facilities and/or construction of new, permanent facilities;Asset Management Planning - 2025 Program and Application Guide 4
Long-term, permanent capital investments including the purchase of land and/or buildings; and
Capital costs (including computer hardware)
Reporting Requirements
Final report only
Expected Timeframe for Funding Decision
2 monthsApplicants will be advised of the status of their applications within 60 days of the application deadline.