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B.C. Tourism Climate Resiliency Initiative (BCTCRI)

Program Category: Clean Energy, Climate Adaptation, Climate Mitigation
Program Sub-Category: Energy Efficiency (Housing / Buildings), Renewable Energy, Food Security, Environmental Stewardship, Zero Emission Vehicles and Charging Stations, Waste Reduction and Circular Economy
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Status: Closed


Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport

Deadline Details

The most recent intake opened January 7th and closed Jan. 28th at 4pm PST

Funder Organization Type

  • BC Provincial Government

The BCTCRI is comprised of four key projects that invest in facilitated sustainability and adaptation planning for tourism businesses, micro-grants to support implementation, the formation of a data framework, and province-wide networking opportunities. This initiative and its respective projects are aimed at improving the climate resiliency of the tourism sector and are aligned with the sustainability and adaptation goals identified in the following provincial-level strategies:
This page applies to PROJECT TWO: MICRO-GRANTS TO SUPPORT SUSTAINABILITY AND CLIMATE ADAPTATION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION.This program provides micro-grant funding up to $15,000 for eligible tourism businesses or organizations that are ready to build on their sustainability or climate adaptation plan to implement a project or obtain sustainability certification. Projects must be non-planning related, and include infrastructure enhancement, equipment purchases, or development of new systems that support previous planning processes.The fund will award grants across two streams.
  • Stream 1 – Sustainability and Climate Adaptation Projects

  • Stream 2 – Sustainability Certification


Eligible Community

  • For-profit business, not-for-profit organization, or Indigenous organizations.

  • Located in BC (registered and headquartered).

  • Provide a tourism experience (e.g. accommodation, food service, attraction, transportation, visitor service).

  • Be successfully operating for a minimum of two years.

  • Have completed a sustainability assessment and/or have an action plan or road map to improve sustainability and/or climate adaptation (developed within the last five years) that supports/recommends the project for which the organization is applying. 

  • The assessment, action plan or road map could be completed through the BCTCRI Project #1 (delivered via the BC Tourism Sustainability Network) or independently co-developed with accredited outside experts. Please see page 3 of the program guidelines for more information. 

First Nations, and companies owned by first nations such as economic development corporations, who are providing a tourism experience, are eligible for this grant.
Please see the program guidelines for project eligibility requirements under Stream 1 – Sustainability and Climate Adaptation Projects and Stream 2 – Sustainability Certification 

Prior and Current Micro-Grant Recipients:

Micro-grant recipients from the first or second intake, notified in February/March and June/July 2024 respectively, are eligible to apply again in the third intake, open until Jan 28, 2025. The maximum, total combined funding available to recipients across all three intakes is $30,000. 

Eligible applicants for a second micro-grant should note:

  • Businesses and organizations may only apply for sustainability certification funding under Stream 2 if their first micro-grant did/does not include sustainability certification expenses.

  • Priority will be given to funding new eligible recipient organizations that did not receive a micro grant in the first two intakes. 

Required Community Contribution

Community contribution required (please see program website)

Applicant business or organization must have been in operation for at least two years and must match 50% of their own funding (25% for non-profit or First Nations owned organizations) to the project.

Funding Stacking Restrictions


Professional Input Required


Applicants have to have a sustainability or climate mitigation/adaptation plan that is developed/reviewed by an accredited expert.

Specific Eligibility Requirements

All projects must:
  • Align with the fund objectives;

  • Meet the eligibility criteria; and

  • Support the organization’s sustainability or climate adaptation plan.

Evaluators from Destination BC will review project applications for all evaluation criteria described in this document. If all criteria are deemed to have been met, projects will be accepted based on a first come first served approach. Destination BC reserves the right to select and approve project proposals that are deemed to have fully met all eligibility criteria of the Grant and to accept projects by regional allocation of funding.

Other Eligible Applicants

Indigenous Economic Agencies
Indigenous-owned Businesses
Businesses / For-profit
Indigenous Organizations
Non-governmental Organizations / Not-for-Profits
Economic Development Agencies

Type of Funding

  • Grant

Range of Funding Available per Project

  • Under $100 000

Description of Funding

  • micro-grant funding up to $15,000  


Percentage of Project Funded

The overall cost of the project or certification will be shared between the applicant and the fundingprogram.
  • For-profit businesses

    • Up to 50% of eligible project costs.

  • Indigenous* and not-for-profit organizations

    • Up to 75% of eligible project costs

*Applies to businesses that have at least 51% Indigenous ownership Financial support will not exceed $15,000. The actual contribution amount will be based on the minimum amount required to compete the project.
The application form must present a detailed budget that is feasible and considers all costs andfunding sources. Relevant quotations or estimates may be requested to support the budgeted costs.

Eligible Costs

Capital Costs
Equipment/Material Purchase

Stream 1 – Sustainability and Climate Action Projects
  • Goods or services directly related to project costs

  • Construction or material costs

  • Leasing of equipment related to the project

  • Equipment essential for operation of the project

  • Instructional signage

  • Digital infrastructure


Stream 2 – Sustainability Certification 

  • First time assessment fees from the certification body 

  • Environmental audit fees required for the certification

  • Annual costs within the first two years of certification 


Ineligible Costs

Any costs incurred prior to signing a funding agreement
Building Purchase Costs
Administration Fees
Project Management
Staff Costs
Land Acquisition

Stream 1 – Sustainability and Climate Action Projects
  • Legal fees
  • Planning or consultation fees

  • Costs incurred before approval date and after project completion

  • Gifts and hospitality costs (for example, food, beverages, liquor, entertainment etc.)

  • Liability insurance

  • General routine and cyclical maintenance, and other normal overhead costs

  • Salaries and other employment benefits 

  • Any marketing activities


Stream 2 – Sustainability Certification 

  • Annual costs or fees after the first two years of certification

  • Any marketing activities

  • General routine and cyclical maintenance, and other normal overhead costs

  • Salaries and any other staffing related costs

Reporting Requirements

Progress reports and final reports

Expected Timeframe for Funding Decision

1 month

Successful applicants will receive a grant letter from Destination BC outlining the terms of the funding by March 1, 2025. Projects will be evaluated based on these guidelines:

This initiative was created through a provincial partnership with Destination BC, the BC Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport, BC’s six Regional Destination Management Organizations (RDMOs)—the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association, Kootenay Rockies Tourism Association, Northern BC Tourism Association, Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association, Vancouver, Coast & Mountains Tourism Region, 4VI, and Indigenous Tourism BC (ITBC), and will be delivered by Destination BC and the RDMOs. This initiative builds on the achievements of the BC Tourism Sustainability Network (BCTSN) – a collaborative sustainability support program for BC’s tourism industry that was initiated in 2022.

See project examples and successes at the base of this webpage: BCTCRI: Project Two - Destination BC - Destination BC