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Declaration Act Engagement Fund (DAEF)

Program Category: Clean Energy, Climate Adaptation, Climate Mitigation, Environment
Program Sub-Category: Renewable Energy, Mapping, Food Security, Risk Assessments, Environmental Stewardship, Economic Development, Monitoring, Innovation, Emergency Mitigation / Preparedness / Planning
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Status: Open


New Relationship Trust (NRT)

Deadline Details

The Declaration Act Engagement Fund will accept new applications until all eligible BC First Nation communities have accessed the fund. Applicants will only have to apply once to the program.

Funder Organization Type

  • Indigenous Organization

On November 26, 2019, the Province of B.C. unanimously passed the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (the “Declaration Act”). An outcome of the Declaration Act was the development of the Declaration Act Action Plan 2022-2027 which outlines significant actions the Province will undertake over five years to achieve the objectives of the UN Declaration. Included in the actions is a commitment to implement CleanBC and the Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy. The Declaration Act also requires the Province to take all measures necessary to ensure the provincial laws are consistent with the UN Declaration. This work must be done in consultation and co-operation with Indigenous Peoples in B.C.
The Declaration Act Engagement Fund will accept new applications until all eligible BC First Nation communities have accessed the fund. Applicants will only have to apply once to the program.
To reduce barriers for First Nations to fully participate in implementing the UN Declaration, the Province has dedicated $200M in funding to establish the Declaration Act Engagement Fund (DAEF). The Province of B.C. has partnered with the New Relationship Trust (the “NRT”) to administer the Fund.
The primary purpose of the DAEF is to support the implementation of the Declaration Act Action Plan and commitments to align provincial legislation with the UN Declaration. Funding can also be used by First Nations to engage on a government-to-government basis with the Province on other strategic, policy, and legislative initiatives.
The objectives of the DAEF are to:
  • Provide quick and easy access to four-year funding that focuses on reducing typical application and reporting barriers.
  • Provide impactful funding amounts that empower First Nations to more fully participate in government-to-government engagement and consultation with the Province of B.C. without having to subsidize the costs from their own government programs or own source revenues.
  • Support and enhance sustainable capacity development within First Nation communities to provide knowledge, advice, and guidance that assists the Province of B.C. in amending or developing laws to align with the UN Declaration.
  • Support and inform activities to implement the Declaration Act.

Eligible Community

  • B.C. First Nations under the Indian Act

  • B.C. Modern Treaty Nations

  • Self-Governing Nations

Required Community Contribution

No community contribution required

Funding Stacking Restrictions


Application Limit per Community


Professional Input Required


Specific Eligibility Requirements

One application per Nation 

Type of Funding

  • Grant
  • Non-repayable Contribution

Range of Funding Available per Project

  • Over $1 000 000

Description of Funding

The total funding cap over 4 years per Nation is $1,040,000.
Advance Payment of $260,000 will be disbursed soon after the submission & acceptance of a fully completed application. 
Future Payments: Year 2 to 4 will be disbursed annually in equal amounts of $260,000 based on the funding milestones as outlined in a funding letter to be executed between NRT and the First Nation.

Percentage of Project Funded

One application per nation. 

Eligible Costs

Community Engagement
Project Management
Staff Costs
Capacity Building for the Community
Awareness and Education
Research and Development

Program funding can only be used to cover costs that are directly related to the work, engagement and consultation with the Province of B.C in the implementation of the Declaration Act Action Plan, alignment of Provincial laws with the UN Declaration, and to support other strategic, policy, and legislative engagements that evolve from enhanced government to government work and relations with the Province of B.C.

Consistent with the above criteria, the Eligible costs include:

  • Staffing costs

  • Professional fees – legal and technical support

  • Capacity training – skills development, workshops, courses etc

  • Community engagement 

  • Travel costs (transportation, accommodation, and meals)

  • Other reasonable administrative costs and incremental costs associated with eligible activities

Ineligible Costs

Building Purchase Costs
Land Acquisition

Ineligible Costs Include:
  • Capital Costs, including acquisition of buildings, lands, vehicles, and other major capital

  • Permitting activities

  • Direct negotiation supports

Reporting Requirements

Progress reports and final reports

Expected Timeframe for Funding Decision

1 month

Applications are reviewed and approved weekly