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Community Emergency Preparedness Fund: Public Notification and Evacuation Route Planning

Program Category: Climate Adaptation
Program Sub-Category: Emergency Mitigation / Preparedness / Planning
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Status: Closing Soon


Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM)

Deadline Details

Applications will be accepted July 1, 2024 to April 25, 2025

Funder Organization Type

  • BC Local Government and Associations

The intent of this funding stream is to support eligible applicants to develop Evacuation Route Plans and/or Public Notification Plans that provide information for First Nations, local governments, and community members in the event of an emergency. This may include development of a new or updated Evacuation Route Plan and/or new or updated Public Notification Plan. New or updated plans can be combined, stand-alone, and/or embedded in other local emergency management documents. Please note that the overall development or routine update of a local emergency plan is not eligible for funding. For both Evacuation Route Plans and Public Notification Plans, it is expected that plans will be exercised.

Eligible Community

All local governments (municipalities and regional districts) and all First Nations (bands and Treaty First Nations) in BC are eligible to apply. 

Required Community Contribution

No community contribution required

Funding Stacking Restrictions


To ensure transparency and accountability in the expenditure of public funds, all other grant contributions for eligible portions of the project must be declared and, depending on the total value, may decrease the value of the grant. This includes any other grant funding and any revenue that is generated from activities that are funded by the Community Emergency Preparedness Fund. 

Application Limit per Community


Specific Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for funding, projects must result in the development of a new or updated Evacuation Route Plan and/or Public Notification Plan, and be:
  • In alignment with the recommended content and eligibility requirements as identified in the Program Guide;
  • A new or a subsequent phase of a project (retroactive funding is not available); and
  • Capable of completion by the applicant within one year from the date of grant approval.
Additional requirements if it is a regional project (see program guideline, section 4). 
Applications are required to be submitted in two steps prior to the application deadline:
  1. LGPS Online Application Form
  2. Application Worksheet
See the program guide for more details.

Type of Funding

  • Grant

Range of Funding Available per Project

  • Under $100 000

Description of Funding

The Public Notification and Evacuation Route Planning funding stream can contribute a maximum of 100% of the cost of eligible activities to a maximum of $40,000
Additional funding may be available to communities that can demonstrate geographical constraints (see Program Guide, section 3).

Percentage of Project Funded


Maximum of 100% of the cost of eligible activities 

Eligible Costs

Capacity Building for the Community

Eligible costs are direct costs that are approved for funding, properly and reasonably incurred, and paid by the applicant to carry out eligible activities. Eligible costs can only be incurred from the date of application submission until the final report is submitted.
Eligible activities must result in the completion of a new or updated Evacuation Route Plan and/or new or updated Public Notification Plan, be cost-effective, and are limited to:
  • Development of a new or updated Evacuation Route Plan and/or new or updated Public Notification Plan.

  • Collaborative planning work with neighbouring jurisdictions.

  • Preparation of maps, spatial data, and metadata for all maps as identified in Section 9 and 

  • following the requirements in Appendix 2 (where applicable must meet Specifications for LiDAR

  • for the Province of British Columbia and if applicable the Specifications for the Production of Digital Elevation Models for the Province of British Columbia).

  • Travel and meeting expenses such as mileage and catering associated with planning, training, knowledge transfer, or exercising eligible activities.

  • Amendments to relevant local plans, bylaws, or policies that are specific to evacuation route 

  • and/or public notification planning (e.g, Official Community Plan, land use plans, engineering and public works bylaws or policies).

See Section 6 of the Program Guide for details. 

Ineligible Costs

Building Purchase Costs
Land Acquisition

Any activity that is not directly connected to activities approved in the application is not eligible for grant funding. This includes:  
  • Routine or ongoing operating costs or activities (e.g., heating, cooling, and lighting; security; 

  • software or service subscriptions; or membership fees).

  • Routine or ongoing planning costs or planning activities that are not incremental to the project.

  • Regular salaries and/or benefits of primary applicant or sub-applicant(s) staff or partners.

  • Duplication of recently developed information, maps, or imagery (e.g., LiDAR that is currently 

  • available through the Open LiDAR Data Portal) provided the information remains accurate.

  • Project-related fees payable to the primary applicant or sub-applicant(s) (e.g., permit fees).

  • Costs related to individual or household preparedness, including the purchase of emergency 

  • supplies (e.g., first aid kits, evacuation supplies).

  • Development of curriculum for Kindergarten to Grade 12 education.

  • Major capital or infrastructure improvements (including road design and construction) or major 

  • renovations to existing facilities and/or construction of new, permanent facilities.

  • Purchase of promotional items, door/raffle prizes, give-away items, and/or gifts for community 

  • members (except costs related to local cultural protocols).

  • Costs associated with an actual evacuation (e.g., traffic control equipment) and/or public 

  • notification event.

  • Training provided and paid by the Provincial Emergency Management Training Program

  • (excluding travel costs).

  • Purchase of vehicles.

  • Emergency preparedness marketing campaigns.

  • Purchase of public notification systems

  • Evacuation route signage.

  • Development or update of Emergency Management Plans, emergency response plans, and/or 

  • maps or other materials intended for local emergency response.

  • Conferences

Reporting Requirements

Progress reports and final reports

Expected Timeframe for Funding Decision

3 months

Applicants will be advised of the status of their application within 90 days of the application deadline.