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Canada Greener Affordable Housing Program: Pre-Retrofit Program

Program Category: Built Environment, Climate Mitigation
Program Sub-Category: Energy Efficiency (Housing / Buildings)
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Status: Closed


Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

Deadline Details

The program deadline was January 31, 2024.

Funder Organization Type

  • Federal Government

The Government of Canada is committed to achieving net-zero emissions by 2050. To do this, buildings must be retrofit to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increase their climate resilience in an affordable way. To make this transition more affordable and sustainable, the Canada Greener Affordable Housing (CGAH) program will provide funding to support the completion of deep energy retrofits to existing multi-unit affordable housing (5+ units) that serve low- and moderate-income households and those greatest in need. The program will help community housing providers improve building quality, adapt to climate change, and extreme weather events. 

The CGAH Pre-Retrofit Funding Program provides funding for the activities required to support the preparation of a CGAH Retrofit Funding application such as energy audits, energy modelling studies and building condition assessment reports. If you’re applying for the Pre-Retrofit Funding program, you need to plan to complete deep energy retrofits on your residential building(s).


Eligible Community

To be eligible for this funding, you must have an affordable housing purpose and a proven mandate to provide housing to lower-income households or populations in need. This funding is open to:
  • Indigenous governments and organizations including First Nations, Tribal Councils and Indigenous housing providers
  • provincial, territorial and municipal governments

Specific Eligibility Requirements

Eligible property types include:
  • mixed income rental or mix-use with affordable rental housing
  • community housing
  • affordable rental housing
  • Indigenous community housing and cultural spaces
  • shelters, transitional and supportive housing
  • single-room occupancy

See the program website for specific eligibility details. 

Other Eligible Applicants

Indigenous Organizations
Non-governmental Organizations / Not-for-Profits

  • community housing providers such as non-profit housing organizations, public housing agencies and rental co-operatives
Private market housing organizations are not eligible for this funding.

Type of Funding

  • Loan

Range of Funding Available per Project

  • Under $100 000
  • From $100 000 to $1 000 000

Description of Funding

The maximum contribution is $130,000 per project.

Percentage of Project Funded

The maximum contribution is $130,000 per project.

Eligible Costs

Eligible activities include, but aren’t limited to:
  • a building condition assessment (BCA) report
  • an energy audit (ASHRAE 3 or equivalent)
  • an energy modelling study
  • project drawings and specifications
  • engineering studies
  • construction cost estimates
  • developing a business case to demonstrate the benefits or impact of the retrofit
  • environmental site assessments or a hazardous materials report
  • site surveys