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Active Transportation Planning

Program Category: Sustainable Transportation, Climate Mitigation
Program Sub-Category: Active Transportation
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Status: Open


Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM)

Deadline Details

The 2024/25 Active Transportation Planning program is now an open intake, accepting application from October 1,2024 to September 30, 2025.

Funder Organization Type

  • BC Provincial Government
  • BC Local Government and Associations

The CleanBC Roadmap to 2030 calls for 30% of all trips in BC to be made by active transportation and public transit by 2030. To support this target the Province is providing planning and design support, to ensure that community planning addresses active transportation constraints and opportunities.
Active transportation refers to all human-powered forms of commuting. Walking and cycling are the most common, but running, scootering, skateboarding, in-line skating, using a wheelchair, paddling, skiing, snowshoeing, horseback riding, and using electric bicycles or scooters are all types of active transportation.
Active Transportation Planning Grants
Local governments play a significant role in active transportation by developing integrated community land use and transportation plans and policies that lead to the implementation of transportation infrastructure networks. 
The intent of the Active Transportation Planning program is to support local governments to incorporate or enhance active transportation components of formal planning documents (Official Community Plan, Sustainability Plan, Neighbourhood Plan, or Transportation Plan), including research, consultation, and policy development.

Eligible Community

All local governments (municipalities, regional districts and the Islands Trust) in BC that meet the following criteria are eligible to apply:
  • Have a population of up to 25,000 (based on 2021 Census data). Note: regional districts can apply for one or more electoral areas with a combined population of up to 25,000 in a single application;
  • Do not have an active transportation plan or have a plan over 5 years old;
  • Are currently or will be undertaking a community land use and/or transportation plan to which an active transportation lens will be included;
  • Have not received a network planning grant from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure’s Active Transportation Infrastructure Grant program.

Application Limit per Community


Type of Funding

  • Grant

Range of Funding Available per Project

  • Under $100 000

Description of Funding

The Active Transportation Planning program can contribute a maximum of 100% of the cost of eligible activities to a maximum of $30,000.00.

Percentage of Project Funded

The Active Transportation Planning program can contribute a maximum of 100% of the cost of eligible activities to a maximum of $30,000.00.

Eligible Costs

Under the Active Transportation Planning program, eligible activities must be cost-effective and may include:
  • Research, including data collection, mapping and walkability, bikeability, or community audits/assessments;
  • Engagement, including public and/or stakeholder engagement, surveys, and open houses;
  • Policy development, including drafting objectives/actions for inclusion in community land use and/or transportation plans.
The following expenditures are also eligible, provided they relate directly to the eligible activities identified above:
  • Incremental staff and administration costs (i.e. creating a new position or adding new responsibilities to an existing position);
  • Consultant costs;
  • Identification/incorporation of community and cultural values. This includes seeking advice from Indigenous Knowledge Holders and other experts (e.g., health authorities, First Nations Health Authority, etc.) and the community (e.g., equity-denied populations, Indigenous organizations, Indigenous Nations, local governments,), etc.;
  • Translation costs and the development of culturally appropriate education, awareness, or engagement materials;
  • Presentations to local government Council or Board, or community organizations, etc.;
  • Public information costs. Please note: public information costs (e.g., workshops, printed materials) need to align with the intent of the funding stream and provide benefit to the community at large.

Ineligible Costs

Any activity that is not outlined above or is not directly connected to activities approved in the application by the Evaluation Committee is not eligible for grant funding. This includes:
  • Routine or ongoing operating costs or activities (e.g., heating, cooling, and lighting; security; software or service subscriptions; or membership fees);
  • Routine or ongoing planning costs or planning activities that are not incremental to the project;
  • Regular salaries and/or benefits of applicant staff or partners;
  • Development or update of stand-alone active transportation plans;
  • Development of feasibility studies, business cases, architectural, engineering, or other design drawings for the construction or renovation of active transportation infrastructure;
  • Infrastructure or capital projects, construction, or renovations;
  • Major capital improvements or renovations to existing facilities and/or construction of new, permanent facilities;
  • Purchase of vehicles;
  • Fundraising.

Reporting Requirements

Final report only