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Community to Community (C2C) Program

Program Category: Climate Adaptation
Program Sub-Category: Emergency Mitigation / Preparedness / Planning
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Status: Open


Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM)

Deadline Details

The application deadlines for 2024 are: April 5th, September 6th and December 6th.

Funder Organization Type

  • Indigenous Organization
  • BC Local Government and Associations

The goal of a Regional C2C program is increased understanding and improved overall relations between First Nations and local governments. The C2C program supports this goal with funding for:
  1. Forums that support dialogue to build relationships, support reconciliation efforts, resolve issues of common responsibility, interest or concern, and/or to advance tangible outcomes. 
  2. Development of agreements (such as protocols, MOUs, and service agreements), joint plans and/or strategies that advance First Nation/local government reconciliation and relationship building.
  3. Joint review of bylaws and/or policies in order to develop recommendations for amendments or new bylaws and/or policies that advance reconciliation.
To be eligible for funding, C2C activities must work toward one or more of the following objectives:
  • Strengthening relationships and fostering future co-operative action by building stronger links between First Nation and local government elected officials and senior staff.
  • Supporting local reconciliation efforts, UNDRIP, and shared capacity building.
  • Developing or improving coordinated approaches to climate change emergency preparation, mitigation, response and recovery.

Eligible Community

Funding permitting, all local governments (municipalities, regional districts or the Islands Trust) and First Nations (Treaty First Nation, Band, Tribal Council or National Government) in BC are eligible to apply. 

Required Community Contribution

No community contribution required

Application Limit per Community


Specific Eligibility Requirements

In order to qualify for funding:
  • Activities must be completed within one year from the date of grant approval
  • Willingness of the elected officials and/or senior staff of the partnering community to participate in the activities must be confirmed and provided in writing to UBCM. 
  • Activities must include direct participation by the elected officials and/or senior staff from both First Nation(s) and local government(s).
  • The communities engaging in dialogue must be neighbouring. However, “neighbouring” may mean in the vicinity of, but not necessarily immediately adjacent to each other. 


As part of the approval agreement, approved applicants must agree to the following requirements for funding:
  • Any in-person activities, meetings, or events must meet public health orders and/or guidance
  • Activities must comply with all applicable privacy legislation under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act in relation to the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information while conducting funded activities. Personal information is any recorded information about an identifiable individual other than their business contact information. This includes information that can be used to identify an individual through association or inference.
In addition, as part of both the development of the application package and the delivery of the approved project, local governments are encouraged to engage with local First Nations and Indigenous organizations. Engagement by local governments, both locally and regionally, can help build relationships with First Nations, benefit both communities and enhance reconciliation. 

Range of Funding Available per Project

  • Under $100 000

Description of Funding

The C2C program can contribute a 100% of the cost of eligible activities up to a maximum of $20,000 as follows:

  • C2C forums: up to a maximum of $10,000
  • C2C agreements and joint review of bylaws/policies: up to a maximum of $10,000


In order to ensure transparency and accountability in the expenditure of public funds, all other contributions for eligible portions of the project must be declared and, depending on the total value, may decrease the value of the funding. This includes any other grant funding and any revenue that is generated from activities that are funded by the C2C program.

Eligible Costs

Equipment/Material Purchase
Administration Fees

Eligible costs are direct costs that are approved by the UBCM, properly and reasonably incurred, and paid by the applicant to carry out eligible activities.
Eligible costs can only be incurred from the date of application submission until the final report is submitted. Under the C2C program, eligible activities must be cost-effective and may include:
  • Event organization (e.g. invitations, agendas, event planning, etc.)
  • Event costs:
    • Meals, snacks, and non-alcoholic beverages
    • Venue/virtual rentals, including any required audio-visual equipment rentals
    • Facilitation services and/or guest speakers
    • Preparation of materials required for the forum, including printing costs
    • Expenses related to joint visits to participant’s facilities, lands or buildings provided the visits occur as part of the forum
  • Transportation between communities as required to attend a forum. Mileage estimates and calculations are required for vehicle travel
  • Completion of event minutes, reports, etc. including printing costs


Agreements and Bylaws

  • Development of agreements (such as protocols, MOUs, and service agreements), joint plans and/or strategies that advance First Nation/local government reconciliation and relationship building
  • Joint review of bylaws and/or policies in order to develop recommendations for amendments or new bylaws and/or policies that advance reconciliation
  • Legal fees for review of agreements, joint plans and strategies and/or review of bylaw or policy recommendations
  • Data acquisition (as required for agreements, joint plans, etc.)
  • Design and/or graphics for agreements, joint plans or strategies
Please see program guide for a complete list of eligible expenses.  

Ineligible Costs

Ineligible Costs & Activities
Any activity that is not outlined above or is not directly connected to activities approved in the application by UBCM is not eligible for grant funding. This includes:
  • Routine or ongoing operating costs or activities (e.g. heating, cooling and lighting, security, software or service subscriptions, or membership fees)
  • Routine or ongoing planning costs or planning activities that are not incremental to the project
  • Alcohol
  • Travel within communities
  • Purchase of software or hardware 

Reporting Requirements

Final report only

Expected Timeframe for Funding Decision

2 months

Applicants will be notified of the status of their application within 60 days of the following application deadlines.