CleanBC Plastics Action Fund
BC Ministry of Environment and Parks (ENV)
Deadline Details
Applications are not currently being accepted to the program.
Funder Organization Type
- Indigenous Organization
- Other
- Non-Governmental Organization or Society
Post-Consumer Recycled Plastics Category (PCR) - closed for applications
Circular Economy Innovation Category (CEI) - closed for applications
Regional Plastics Innovation Category (RPI) - open for applications
Indigenous Projects Category (INDG) - open for applications
Eligible Community
- Post-Consumer Recycled Plastics Category (PCR)
- Circular Economy Innovation Category (CEI)
- Regional Plastics Innovation Category (RPI)
- Must be located and registered within communities located outside of the Metro Vancouver and Capital Regional Districts.
- Communities with populations under 25,000 located within the Metro Vancouver and Capital Regional districts can request an exemption during the EOI application process.
- Indigenous Projects Category (INDG)
- Communities
- Schools, childcare, and other educational institutions
- Band stores
- Indigenous economic development organizations
- Indigenous owned and operated businesses
Required Community Contribution
Community contribution required (please see program website)
A minimum of 20% contribution
The applicant contribution may come from:
Applicants’ own funds, including funds obtained through financing.
Funds from not-for-profit organizations, such as development trusts.
Funds from project partners.
Other government sources (federal or provincial).
In-kind contributions
Funding Stacking Restrictions
Application Limit per Community
Professional Input Required
Specific Eligibility Requirements
Applicants must agree that the qualified expenses are used solely towards their project which aims to achieve one or more of the expected outcomes outlined in the funding categories (see Program Guide).
Applicants must participate in an audit, if selected. The audit will require that receipts and invoices of the eligible expenses be submitted for review.
Applicants must participate in a follow-up survey to demonstrate the outcomes resulted from the Program. Only aggregate results will be made public.
Applicants may only make one submission per organization.
Is currently in operation.
Is registered in B.C.
Other Eligible Applicants
Indigenous-owned BusinessesBusinesses / For-profit
Indigenous Organizations
Non-governmental Organizations / Not-for-Profits
Regional Plastics Innovation Category (RPI)
Provide development support and project financing for start-up and early-stage organizations in communities outside of the Capital Regional District and Metro Vancouver.
Eligible organizations must be located in communities outside of the Metro Vancouver and the Capital Regional Districts or within communities with a population of less than 25,000.
- Indigenous Projects Category (INDG)
- Communities
- Schools, childcare, and other educational institutions
- Band stores
- Indigenous economic development organizations
- Indigenous owned and operated businesses
Type of Funding
- Capital
- Financing
- Non-repayable Contribution
Range of Funding Available per Project
- Under $100 000
- From $100 000 to $1 000 000
- Over $1 000 000
Description of Funding
- Post-Consumer Recycled Plastics Category (PCR)
- $250,000 - $1,200,000
- Circular Economy Innovation Category (CEI)
- $150,000 - $750,000
- Regional Plastics Innovation Category (RPI)
- $100,000 - $250,000
- Indigenous Projects Category (INDG)
- $75,000 - $150,000
Percentage of Project Funded
80%Eligible Costs
Capital CostsCommunity Engagement
Equipment/Material Purchase
Staff Costs
Capacity Building for the Community
Awareness and Education
Capital expenditures related to the project.
Salary costs for project specific labour
Retrofit costs to enable the project.
Contractor or partner organization fees
Equipment installation costs
Freight or transportation charges
Marketing & media-related expenses*
Education, outreach and capacity building
Ineligible Costs
Any costs incurred prior to signing a funding agreementBuilding Purchase Costs
Land Acquisition
Expenses incurred for activities before the project start date
Operating expenses
Attendance fees for tradeshows, conferences, and industry events
Salary costs for general staff
General website or IT upgrades
Hosting an existing website
Credit card processing fees
Packaging materials for product shipping and related shipping costs
Real estate capital purchases
Purchase or lease of private/personal vehicles
Labour costs associated with ongoing operations
Travel and hospitality for staff or contractors
Structural renovations not specific to the project
Feasibility studies
Plastic collection, transportation, or depots
Reporting Requirements
Progress reports and final reports
Expected Timeframe for Funding Decision
By March 2025