BC Hydro Solar and Battery Rebates
BC Hydro
Funder Organization Type
- Utility
The Solar and Battery Rebate Offer launched on July 23rd 2024 and provides rebates to BC Hydro customers who install solar photovoltaic and/or battery energy storage systems (less than 100kW in size) in residential homes, small and medium businesses, social housing providers, indigenous communities, and non-integrated areas. The rebates are available to select customer whose solar generation and battery projects are approved under the Self generation (bchydro.com) and are eligible for the net metering rate (if installing solar). Most participants in the rebate offer are residential customers who install smaller scale solar systems (~7-9 kW) on a single family type dwelling. The base offer provides a mass market rebate for residential and small commercial customers. Larger rebates are available for targeted customers groups and building types including social housing, indigenous communities, medium commercial, and multi-use residential buildings. For more information, visit www.bchydro.com/solarrebate
Required Community Contribution
No community contribution required
Funding Stacking Restrictions
Cannot exceed 100% of project costs
Professional Input Required
Specific Eligibility Requirements
Complete eligibility details and requirements are available at www.bchydro.com/solarrebate. See terms and conditions
Other Eligible Applicants
Indigenous-owned BusinessesBusinesses / For-profit
Indigenous Organizations
Non-governmental Organizations / Not-for-Profits
Academic Institutions
Type of Funding
- Rebates
Range of Funding Available per Project
- Under $100 000
Description of Funding
Varies depending on the project size. Maximum rebates apply per project and product type.
Eligible Costs
Equipment/Material PurchaseIneligible Costs
Any costs incurred prior to signing a funding agreementBuilding Purchase Costs
Administration Fees
Project Management
Staff Costs
Land Acquisition
Reporting Requirements
No reporting requirements