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CleanBC Energy Savings Program

Program Category: Built Environment, Climate Mitigation
Program Sub-Category: Energy Efficiency (Housing / Buildings)
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Status: Open


BC Ministry of Energy and Climate Solutions (ECS)

Funder Organization Type

  • BC Provincial Government

Based on your household income, the CleanBC Better Homes Energy Savings Program offers enhanced rebates to make energy-saving home upgrades more affordable. Rebates are available for fuel switching, energy efficiency, building envelopes, and retrofit-enabling health and safety upgrades. Free energy coaching, virtual energy assessments, and support in multiple languages can help households identify the upgrades that are best for them.

Required Community Contribution

Community contribution required (please see program website)

Eligible participants must pay the balance of the upgrade cost not covered by the rebate. 

Funding Stacking Restrictions


CleanBC Energy Savings Program rebates cannot be combined with rebates from the CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program or other provincial or utility offers for the same upgrade.

Professional Input Required


Specific Eligibility Requirements

Please check the CleanBC Better Homes Energy Savings Program website for all details. Ensure you carefully review the Rebate Eligibility Requirements, Participant Terms and Conditions, and Contractor Terms and Conditions. 

Other Eligible Applicants


BC citizens who live in an eligible home, meet income qualification requirements, and have a residential utility account with BC Hydro, FortisBC, or a municipal utility. Other requirements and terms and conditions apply. Please check the Energy Savings Program website for all details.

Type of Funding

  • Support (e.g. consulting management)
  • Rebates

Range of Funding Available per Project

  • Under $100 000

Description of Funding

Rebate coverage is based on the combined income of all adults in the home and how many people live in the home, including adults and children. See the website for more information on rebate amounts.

Percentage of Project Funded

You may be eligible to receive enhanced rebates that cover up to 100% of your home upgrade costs, up to a maximum cap per measure, depending on a household’s qualifying income. 

Eligible Costs

Capital Costs
Equipment/Material Purchase

Please check the CleanBC Better Homes Income Qualified Program website for all details.